Register for Virtus Academy Fun Run Fundraiser

The day is here! You can now register for our Virtus Academy Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $12,000 for student supplies and activities. Registering is easy and free! All students will participate in our fun run on January 24.

Register Now on MYBOOSTER.COM Any student who registers before 1/16 can wear a hat to school on KICKOFF DAY!

Once you’re registered, you have access to all of the fun sharing & donation features to help us raise funds. Features like:

  • The Student Star Video featuring YouTube Trickshot Stars, Dude Perfect!
  • Easy Email and Texting
  • Automatic payment features, like Apple Pay

Don’t wait! Head to today. Thanks for your support!

Be sure to check out the easy sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM to let others know how they can help support our school.

Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!

Check out a video about MyBooster from Dude Perfect about the event —

Due to Inclement Weather, there is

No School
Thursday, January 23

Breakfast Buddies (I-Q) scheduled for Friday 1/24/25 is postponed to Friday 2/7/25