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Virtus Academy

Homebound Information

Homebound services are designed to provide continuity of educational services while a student is unable to attend school due to a medically or psychologically certified impairment.

Michael Cooper, Homebound Coordinator – – 843-799-4042 ext. 125

Additionally, parents can reach out the their child’s Program Director or Mr. Cooper for Medical Homebound information.

What is Homebound?

Medical Homebound instruction is provided for students with and without disabilities who cannot attend school for a medical reason – a mental or physical condition that exists due to an accident or illness. The goal of Homebound instruction is to provide continuity of instruction and to facilitate the student’s return to a regular school setting; as quickly as possible. State Board of Education Regulation 43-241 outlines the provision of Medical homebound services.

How to apply

A Medical Homebound form will need to be completed by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner , or physician assistant. This form can be obtained from at Section II must be completed and signed by the student’s medical provider. The parent or guardian will need to sign section III.

Are there other forms the Parent needs to complete?

Yes! When turning in the Medical Homebound form, the parent will also need to read and sign the Homebound Parent Expectations form. Please carefully read before signing to ensure that you understand what is expected of the parent and student while receiving Homebound services.

How long can my child be on Medical homebound?

Medical Homebound forms will not be approved for less than 10 days (not including weekends or holidays) or for more than 90 days. If your child will need to be out of school for more than 90 days, a new Medical Homebound form will need to be completed and submitted for approval for Homebound services to continue past 90 days.

Medical Homebound for mental health reasons; what are the requirements?

Medical Homebound forms for students with a mental health diagnosis cannot exceed 45 days and must include a treatment plan completed by a licensed mental health professional. If your child will need Homebound services for more than 45 days, a new Homebound form and treatment plan will need to be turned in to the Homebound office for approval.

Can any Doctor’s office fill out a Medical Homebound form?

The Medical Homebound form will need to be completed by the licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant who is treating your child’s medical condition. If your child has a permanent diagnosis or a chronic health condition such as diabetes, sickle cell, etc., the specialist who is treating your child, must be the one to fill out the Medical Homebound form.

What is the difference between Medical homebound and Intermittent Medical homebound?

Medical homebound is for students unable to attend school because of an illness or accident.

Intermittent Medical homebound is for students who have excessive absences due to an illness or accident. Students applying for Intermittent Medical homebound will be required to attend school at least 50% of the time.

What if my child has had an excessive amount of absences this year, how far back can the Medical Homebound form be dated?

Medical Homebound forms may or may not be approved to cover absences up to 30 days prior to the date the form is received by the Homebound Department. It is the responsibility of the parent to contact the Homebound Department to ensure receipt of the Medical Homebound form.

If my child’s Medical Homebound form is approved, will my child automatically be approved for a Homebound teacher?

No, the assignment of a homebound teacher will be determined based upon the needs of the student.

If my child is approved for Intermittent Medical Homebound, will my child be approved for a Homebound teacher?

Intermittent Homebound students should work with their assigned teacher(s) to complete missed assignments.

My child has an IEP and needs medical Homebound, what should I do?

A Medical Homebound form and Homebound Parent Expectations form will need to be submitted to the Homebound Coordinator. The form will be processed and the parent/guardian will be notified of the decision. If approved for medical Homebound services, your child’s IEP team will be notified.

What if the Medical Homebound form is denied? What can I do?

If the Medical Homebound form is denied, you may appeal the decision by sending a written appeal to the Homebound department within 10 days of receipt of denial. The written appeal will be reviewed by the Principal and a final decision will be made.