Student Services

At Virtus Academy, we seek to meet all learners where they are, providing students at every grade level with the right-fit opportunities to help them achieve at their highest level. Consistent academic preparation is critical to personal and professional growth, from counseling and MTSS to English Language Proficiency and Gifted & Talented. 

Through state-mandated services and unique VA enrichment activities, our teachers and administrators go the extra mile to help every Wolf Pack student put their best foot forward.

Child Find

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) contains a Child Find mandate that requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to seek out students who are potentially eligible under the IDEA and refer them for an evaluation. 

Per the IDEA regulations at 34 CFR § 300.111, South Carolina has a continuing Child Find procedure in place to locate all children with disabilities residing in the State, including children with disabilities attending private schools and homeschool programs, regardless of the severity of their disability, and who need special education and related services. 

This effort also includes highly mobile children with disabilities, such as migrant and homeless children, and children who are suspected of being a child with a disability and in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade.

Annual Notice of Child Find (Special Education and Referral Procedures) 2023-2024
Upon request, The Charter Institute at Erskine is required to evaluate the child for eligibility for special education services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint an Evaluation Planning team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in schools within the school district. A school staff member who reasonably believes a child may be a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child is enrolled in. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child’s parent that the referral will be made. Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school or district in which the child is enrolled. Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability.

A referral may be made by contacting by phone, email, or postal address.
Isabella Montgomery, Special Education Coordinator


Virus Academy relies on a multi-tiered system of support or MTSS for a proactive and preventative framework that integrates data and instruction to maximize student achievement and support students’ social, emotional, and behavior needs from a strengths-based perspective.

The MTSS framework allows educators to engage in data-based decision-making related to program improvement, high-quality instruction and intervention, social and emotional learning, and positive behavioral supports necessary to ensure positive outcomes for districts, schools, teachers, and students.

This framework comprises four essential components: screening, progress monitoring, multi-level prevention system, and data-based decision-making. Depending on state law, MTSS data may also support identifying students with learning or other disabilities.

For more information, contact Toni Brandt, Director of Student Services, at or 843-799-4032 x111.

Gift & Talented

Our Program for Accelerating Knowledge, also known as P.A.C.K., empowers students to elevate the pace at which they learn through exposure to advanced learning opportunities and experiences.

Open to students of all ages and grades who meet national eligibility requirements, P.A.C.K. comprises classroom education, schoolwide projects, fundraising activities, and special events.

Students are identified as Gifted & Talented if they score at or above the 96th national age percentile on the Total Battery/Composite on a nationally normed aptitude test. Other identifiers include meeting the standards in two of three aptitude dimensions, such as 93rd national age percentile or better on one or more parts of a nationally normed test of academic aptitude, 94th national age percentile or better on a nationally normed test of reading or math; or achieve a grade point average of 3.75 of a possible 4.0 on the SC Performance Tasks Assessment administered in grades 2–5.

For more information, contact Toni Brandt, Director of Student Services, at or 843-799-4032 x111.


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). Section 504 provides: “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall, solely by reason of their disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. 

The Section 504 regulations require a school district to provide a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) to each qualified student with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability. These regulations require identification, evaluation, and provision of appropriate services and procedural safeguards.

For more information, contact Isabella Montgomery, 504 Coordinator, at or 843-799-4032 x111.

Special Education

Virtus Academy welcomes students who qualify for special education services. Our teaching staff includes fully certified Special Education Teachers with various certifications, including Learning Disabilities, Moderate to Severe Special Needs, and Multi-categorical.

For more information, contact Toni Brandt, Director of Student Services, at or 843-799-4032 x111.

Multi-Language Learners

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires standardized, statewide entrance and exit procedures for multilingual learners (MLs). ESEA section 3113(b)(2) states that all students who may be MLs are assessed for such status within thirty (30) calendar days of enrollment in a school.

In South Carolina, all potential MLs must be screened using a South Carolina-approved English Language Proficiency (ELP) screener to determine identification within the first thirty (30) calendar days of enrollment at the start of the school year. Additionally, students who enroll after the start of the school year should be identified within the first two (2) weeks, or fourteen (14) calendar days, of enrollment to ensure students receive the appropriate services promptly.

Homebound Services

When VA students have extended medical absences or an impairment that prevents them from regularly attending class, we rely on Homebound Services to help maintain academic continuity.

The South Carolina Board of Education outlines the provision of medical homebound services, and a medical homebound form must be completed and signed by the student’s medical provider and parent or guardian.